Yashpal Panwar Приложения

Blood Test Explained 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Types of Cholesterol: High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) & LowDensity Lipoproteins (LDL).Decrease ghee/ butter in your diet. Eat fresh fruits &vegetables.People who are overweight or have family history of heart attacksmust get annual health check up done.Do not smoke or take any other forms of tobacco.Exercise regularly, keep a check on your weight, eat more fruits& vegetables.
Rules of Rugby 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Rugby? Then This app will beperfect for you. In Rugby App, you can see the basics of Rugby,learn how to play the sport well, Rugby is a world known sport, andWe know you will love this app.
Golf Laws 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Golf? Then This app will beperfect for you. In Golf App, you can see the basics of Golf rule,learn how to play the sport well, Golf is a world known sport, andWe know you will love this app.
Car Care & MaintenanceTips 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
A car is an important personal investment, butowning one, whether it’s a new car or a used car, takes a lot ofhard work. It has to be well taken care of to ensure itsreliability and prevent breakdowns. Used cars especially need extraattention as they are more difficult and more expensive to maintainthan new cars.Following a regular maintenance routine will help extend thelife of your car as well as keep your car’s performance at itspeak. It will also save you a lot of money in repairs. Here are 10basic car care and maintenance tips to follow.
Rules of Wrestling 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Wrestling? Then This appwillbe perfect for you. In Wrestling App, you can see the basicsofWrestling, Wrestling is a world known sport, and We know youwilllove this app.
Rules of Gymnastics 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Gymnastics? Then This appwillbe perfect for you. In Gymnastics App, you can see the basicsofGymnastics, learn how to play the sport well, Gymnastics is aworldknown sport, and We know you will love this app.
Rules of WeightLifting 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Weight Lifting? Then Thisappwill be perfect for you. In Weight Lifting App, you can see thebasics of Weight Lifting, learn how to play the sportwell,Weight Lifting is a world known sport, and We know you willlovethis app.
Archery 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Archery is the art, practice, or skillofpropelling arrows with the use of a bow, from Latinarcus.Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat,whilein modern times, its main use is that of arecreationalactivity.
Carrom Laws 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Carrom? Then This app willbeperfect for you. In Carrom App, you can see the basics ofCarromrule, learn how to play the sport well, Carrom is a worldknownsport, and We know you will love this app.
Volley Ball Laws 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Volley Ball? Then Thisappwill be perfect for you. In Volley Ball App, you can see thebasicsofVolley Ball rule, learn how to play the sport well, VolleyBallis a world known sport, and We know you will lovethis app.
Rules of Rowing 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Rowing? Then This app willbeperfect for you. In Rowing App, you can see the basics ofRowing,learn how to play the sport well, Rowing is a world knownsport,and We know you will love this app.
Rules of Hockey 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Hockey? Then This app willbeperfect for you. In Hockey App, you can see the basics ofHockey,learn how to play the sport well, Hockey is a world knownsport,and We know you will love this app.
Rules of Shooting 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Shooting? Then This appwillbe perfect for you. In Shooting App, you can see the basicsofShooting, learn how to play the sport well, Shooting is aworldknown sport, and We know you will love this app.
About Baseball 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
The first rules of baseball were set downinthe middle 1800\'s by Alexander Cartwright. Now it is one ofthemost popular sports in Northern America, and played throughouttheworld.
Chess Laws 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Chess? Then This app willbeperfect for you. In Chess App, you can see the basics ofChessrule, learn how to play the sport well, Chess is a worldknownsport, and We know you will love this app.
Life More Interesting 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Free android application about LifeMoreInteresting.
Relationships For Women 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Free android application aboutRelationshipsFor Women.
Bhagavad Gita Gyan 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Believe in yourself and your soul evenduringtough times, appreciate what you already have and do notponderabout what you don't have in life. You are always better thanmanyout there in the Universe, so appreciate yourself and bepeacefulat mind.
Combat Anemia 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Free application for Anemia.Anemia affects about 3.5 million Americans, especiallywomen.Anemia occurs when a person’s red blood cell (RBC) count istoo lowand the hemoglobin level in the blood falls belownormal.Hemoglobin consists of haeme (iron) and globin (protein).Both ofthese elements are required for supplying oxygen andnutrients toall parts of the body.Symptoms include a tingling sensation on the hands andlegs,depression, memory loss, fatigue and weakness. Your doctorcandiagnose the condition with a simple blood test.Some of the main causes of anemia are a deficiency ofiron,vitamin B12 or folic acid; lactation, during which a mother’sbodyrequires more nutrients such as iron; excessive blood loss;and,worm infestation in the intestines and stomach.A healthy diet plan is very important if you are anemic. Youmustinclude foods that contain vitamin B12, iron and folicacid.
Grow Talle 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Free application for grow taller.Maybe you feel like your friends have suddenly hit a growthspurtand you're lagging seriously behind. Maybe the rest of yourfamilyis really tall and you're wondering if you can do anythingto catchup. The truth is that a person's height is mostlydetermined bythings out of their control,-- genes.Do know, though, that there are many factors that affectheightwhich can be controlled, a whole battery of naturalhabits,techniques and foods that can enhance your ability to growtaller.So, if you are still growing, read on to learn about naturalwaysthat work for and with you to help you grow taller.
Happy Married Life 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Free android application about HappyMarriedLife.
How to Inspect a Used Car 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
When purchasing a used car, there is alwaysapossibility that the vehicle was not well maintained bytheprevious owner or that it has serious damage caused by acollisionor flooding. As a general tip, always have a trustedthird-partymechanic check the used car before purchasing it.However, it’salways smart to know how to inspect the vehicleyourself. In thisapplication, we provide a walkthrough of how to goabout inspectinga used car.
Common Cold 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Free application for common cold.They say there’s no cure for the common cold. While it istruethat it can’t always be prevented, there are cures for thesymptomsthat come with a cold.A cold is a kind of infection that can be caused bydifferenttypes of viruses. Some of the common symptoms of a coldareheadache, runny nose, cough, high fever, itchy eyes, sorethroat,body aches and so on.It is important to treat a cold before it leads tootherinfections like strep throat, bronchitis and pneumonia.Many natural treatments offer effective relief from thevarioussymptoms of a common cold without any side effects.
Breast Cancer 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Free application For Breast cancer.Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer and alsothedeadliest. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020thenumber of breast cancer cases will be much higher than itistoday.In fact, it is believed that in the coming few years, oneinevery eight women will be at risk of developing breast cancerinher lifetime. This figure has also been estimated by theIndianCouncil of Medical Research.Breast cancer is a complex disease and many factors contributetoit, such as genetics along with lifestyle and dietaryfactors.However, you can reduce your risk of getting breast cancerwithhealthy habits such as limiting alcohol consumption,avoidingsmoking, controlling your weight, avoiding exposure toradiationand environmental pollution, limiting the duration ofhormonetherapy, staying physically active and having regularmedicalcheckups. Breast feeding also is known to lower a woman’srisk forbreast cancer.A healthy diet can also reduce the risk of breast cancer toagreat extent. Certain foods can help fight malignant cancercellsat the onset and thus help in preventing breast cancer.
About Badminton 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Badminton is a racket sport played byeithertwo opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs(doubles), whotake positions on opposite halves of a rectangularcourt that isdivided by a net. Players score points by strikingshuttlecock withtheir racket so that it passes over the net andlands in theiropponents’ half of the court. Each side may onlystrike theshuttlecock once before it passes over the net. A rallyends oncethe shuttlecock has struck the floor.
Football Laws 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Football? Then This appwillbe perfect for you. In Football App, you can see the basicsofFootball rule, learn how to play the sport well, Football isaworld known sport, and We know you will love this app.
Abs Exercises 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Free android application for Abs Exercisesusefull Facts. Very important to do some warmup exercises atthebeginning of the workout.